The Andrew W. Mellon lectures in the fine arts
Andere titel
The A. W. Mellon lectures in the fine arts
Andere titel
The A.W. Mellon lectures in the fine arts
Bibliografisch adres
Princeton : University Press, 1989-
United States
27 cm
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts were inaugurated in 1949. Endowed by a gift of the Old Dominion Foundation and the Avalon Foundation (creations of Paul Mellon and his sister, Ailsa Mellon Bruce, respectively) the lecture series was founded “to bring to the people of the United States the results of the best contemporary thought and scholarship bearing upon the subject of the Fine Arts.” The lecturers were to be, and have been, of “exceptional ability, achievement and reputation.” The National Gallery engages distinguished scholars from all disciplines to lecture on subjects in their fields, as the original gift mandated, “provided such subjects have a relationship to or bearing on the Fine Arts or are important to understanding, appreciation, or promotion of the Fine Arts.” As publication was always an essential part of the vision of the Mellon Lectures, a relationship was established between the National Gallery and the Bollingen Foundation for a series of books based on the lectures.

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The Andrew W. Mellon lectures in the fine arts. - Princeton : University Press, 1989-. - 27 cm.

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