The queen's letter to the king
[electronic resource] : a corrected sketch of Lord John Russel's petition, Sir Gerard Noel's letter to the Earl of Liverpool, together with Mr. Brougham's and Mr. Denman's speeches, and Mr. Brougham's reply to the attorney-general, in the House of Lords, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the 17th, 18th, and 19th of August, 1820, on the Bill of Pains and Penalties against Her Majesty.
The queen's letter to the king
[electronic resource] : a corrected sketch of Lord John Russel's petition, Sir Gerard Noel's letter to the Earl of Liverpool, together with Mr. Brougham's and Mr. Denman's speeches, and Mr. Brougham's reply to the attorney-general, in the House of Lords, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the 17th, 18th, and 19th of August, 1820, on the Bill of Pains and Penalties against Her Majesty. - Kendal : [s.n, 1820]. - 40 p. - Reproduction of original from Goldsmiths' Library, University of London. Goldsmiths'-Kress no. 23030. - OCLC,
, 17192783.