Digitisation form

Fields marked with the symbol * are mandatory.

Via the form below you can order reproductions of documents conserved in the Royal Library. Consult the fees and read the regulations. Do you wish to publish an image? Request copyright here.
If you are signed in, your personal information will already be filled in.

Document information

Declaration of purpose (author's rights)

I confirm that I will use this reproduction only for research or education purposes.
This reproduction will not be used for research or education purposes.

Type of reproduction

Please choose a type of reproduction

TIFF (300 dpi) - High quality digital image for publication - € 25
JPEG (72 dpi) - Digital image for the internet - € 10
PDF per page - Working document - € 2
PDF complete document - Working document - € 45 (less than 200 pages), € 90 (from 200 pages)
 Option: when there is a microfilm available:
    PDF complete document (from microfilm) - Working document - € 25 (less than 200 pages), € 50 (from 200 pages)

Price per image

9 x 12 cm (€ 5)
13 x 18 cm (€ 10)
18 x 24 cm (€ 13)
24 x 30 cm (€ 17)
30 x 40 cm (€ 23)
50 x 60 cm (€ 40)
60 x 80 cm (€ 50)
A0 (€ 70)

Price per image

A4 (€ 1.5)
A3 (€ 3)
A2 (€ 5)
A1 (€ 10)
A0 (€ 15)
Copy of microfilm roll 35 mm black and white: (€ 0,50 per image)
Via email (only digital files)
Delivery by post
Pick up on-site

Personal information