[Horae ad usum Romanum ] = [Heures de Philippe de Clèves] = [Getijdenboek van Filips van Kleef] = [ms. IV 40]
Hoefnagel, Joris (1542-1600). Verluchter
Clèves, Philippe de (1456-1528) - seigneur de Ravestein. Vorige eigenaar
Bibliografisch adres
[Gent], [probably before 1485]
145 f. : 60 miniatures; lavish marginal decoration; additional marginal decoration (ca. 1600) with drawings of insects and flowers; additional miniatures (ca. 1600) on f. 142v-143r ; 13 x 9 cm
Uniforme titel
Horae ad usum Romanum
Heures selon l'usage romain
Clèves, Philippe de 1456-1528 seigneur de Ravestein
Arenberg 18--? duc d'
Manuscript executed for Philippe de Clèves (Filips van Kleef). Latin with one prayer in French (f. 32r-v) and with personal inscriptions by several persons. Bought by the Royal Library of Belgium at an auction in New York (Kraus) in 1958. This manuscript cannot be consulted without the permission of the curator of the department of manuscripts. See microfilm 2058.
Bevat (annotatie)
f. 2r: signaturae possessorum; f. 3r-14v: calendarium; f. 15r-16v: Evangelii secundum Iohannem initium; f. 17v-28v: Horae beatae Barbarae; f. 29v-55r: preces variae, praecipuae ad vulnera Christi; f. 55v-108v: Horae Virginis secundum usum Romanum; f. 109v-121r: psalmi paenitentiales et litania sanctorum; f. 121v-143v: preces et memoriae sanctorum variae
Band (annotatie)
Modern binding
Bekijk de ISBD weergave
[Horae ad usum Romanum ] = [Heures de Philippe de Clèves] = [Getijdenboek van Filips van Kleef] = [ms. IV 40]. - [Gent], [probably before 1485]. - 145 f. : 60 miniatures; lavish marginal decoration; additional marginal decoration (ca. 1600) with drawings of insects and flowers; additional miniatures (ca. 1600) on f. 142v-143r ; 13 x 9 cm. - Manuscript executed for Philippe de Clèves (Filips van Kleef). Latin with one prayer in French (f. 32r-v) and with personal inscriptions by several persons. Bought by the Royal Library of Belgium at an auction in New York (Kraus) in 1958. This manuscript cannot be consulted without the permission of the curator of the department of manuscripts. See microfilm 2058. - Modern binding.

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