The Heliads are changed into poplar trees while mourning at the tomb of their brother Phaethon [Drawing] : Their mother Clymene in a blue cloak at the foot of the tomb [?] = De Heliaden veranderen in populieren terwijl zij rouwen bij het graf van hun broer Phaëton : Hun moeder Clymene in een blauwe mantel aan de voet van de tombe [?]
drawn by Richard van Orley
Transcription of the letter: “A Monsieur / Monsieur Van orla[y] / Vis a vis des grand […] / a bru[xelles] / [other side of page, upside down] Monsieur / Je vous ay prie il ya a quelque temps / de me faire faire un St Albert je vous / prie de [man…?] si il est fai et […] / que j en suis presse, comme aussy de / me faire scavoir combien il y a des / pieces faites afin que je vous fasse / donner de Largent que vous prie aussy / de faire faire deux copie de francois / [Mile?] par mr vtre pere on me presse / aussy pour les avoir, mettez ce […] / [price?] vtre response entre les mains de / la portiere pour le donner 4 […] / au logis de mr le Comte de [Hornes?] / ce [soir?] veritablement / Monsieur / Vtre tres humble / Et obeissant […] / […]”
Van Orley, Richard, II (1663-1732). Artiest
Type document
Bibliografisch adres
[Brussels], ca. 1702
1 drawing : bodycolour ; 194 x 152 mm + 1 letter (pen in brown ink on paper)
Estate of Sally Weld Webb, New York,1996; thence by descent to Jane and Jonathan Weld, New York, 2019; thence by descent to a private collection, Connecticut; sale, New York (Swann), 3 November 2021, lot 636; acquired by Foolscap Fine Art, Gouda
Accompanied by a fragment of a letter addressed to Richard van Orley, cut to the size of the gouache and presumably used as part of the backing of the original (now-lost) mount. The verso of the letter shows a shadow image matching Van Orley's composition. The present gouache was acquired together with another one of the same series (F-2022-22). The gouaches are similar to Van Orley’s 1702 Offering to Apollo at the Palazzo Pitti in Florence (bodycolour on vellum, 180 x 260 mm, Galleria Palatina, inv. 867; cf. Alain Jacobs, Richard van Orley (1663-1732), Brussels 2003, p. 123, cat. no. M8).
Aanwinst nota
Foolscap Fine Art
Type inhoud
stilstaand beeld
Type drager
Vorige titel
Voortzetting van :
Phaethon asks his father Apollo (Helios) for the Chariot of the Sun / Van Orley, Richard
Digitale versie
92B391 Phaethon
42E33 Sarcophagus
97AA2 Heliades changed into poplar-trees: while weeping over Phaeton's grave the Heliades are changed into poplar-trees, and their tears turn into beads of amber; their mother Clymene may be present (Ovid, Metamorphoses II346)
Bekijk de ISBD weergave
The Heliads are changed into poplar trees while mourning at the tomb of their brother Phaethon [Drawing] : Their mother Clymene in a blue cloak at the foot of the tomb [?] / drawn by Richard van Orley. - [Brussels], ca. 1702. - 1 drawing : bodycolour ; 194 x 152 mm + 1 letter (pen in brown ink on paper). - Accompanied by a fragment of a letter addressed to Richard van Orley, cut to the size of the gouache and presumably used as part of the backing of the original (now-lost) mount. The verso of the letter shows a shadow image matching Van Orley's composition. The present gouache was acquired together with another one of the same series (F-2022-22). The gouaches are similar to Van Orley’s 1702 Offering to Apollo at the Palazzo Pitti in Florence (bodycolour on vellum, 180 x 260 mm, Galleria Palatina, inv. 867; cf. Alain Jacobs, Richard van Orley (1663-1732), Brussels 2003, p. 123, cat. no. M8).

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